Each generation has a desire to commune with its past: many of us want to know where we came from and how our world came to be as it is. Our generation; the digital generation, is able to preserve and present those historical documents that record our individual family’s journeys to the present day, in a way which makes them accessible to all.
A sweeping statement? Perhaps, when sadly, sometimes the church mice have beaten the scanner to the vital record. Ancestors found, attention turns to the wider picture; success with family history research creates a desire to know about our ancestors’ place in society; their lifestyles, fashion, and what was happening and affecting their lives on the national and international stage.
How life has changed. With the television screen and this screen we can watch world events unfold and communicate without leaving home but we need a sense of place, our place in our community.
Dorset Ancestors is open for anyone who has an interesting contribution to make and is available to all with an interest in Dorset and particularly those with Dorset families and ancestors.
Your contributions and suggestions will be welcomed. Contact Us
Robert Chisman